blurry placeholderKayakers at Onetahuti Abel Tasman by Kaiteriteri Kayaks

Nelson Regional Development Agency

Accelerating economic growth and improving wealth and wellbeing for the people of Nelson Tasman

NRDA is the Regional Economic Agency and Regional Tourism Organisation for Nelson Tasman in Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui. We deliver on our purpose by supporting collaboration, building capability, and attracting resources, with a focus on increasing regional productivity.

NRDA was established on 1 July 2016 following merger of the former Nelson Regional Economic Development Agency and Nelson Tasman Tourism. We are a council-controlled organisation (CCO), 100% owned by Nelson City Council. We receive a partnership funding contribution from Tasman District Council, enabling NRDA services to be delivered with a combined Nelson Tasman regional focus.

Our activity spans strategic economic development, investment attraction, business and key sector support.

NRDA’s strategy delivery programme is set within the context of the ten-year Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021–2031 and the Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy.

The Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan focuses the region on the following targeted outcomes:

  • Regenerative: The region makes a just transition towards a low-emissions economy, in a way that mitigates climate change, reverses existing environmental damage and protects natural resources (land, forests, fresh water, marine environmental and indigenous biodiversity) now and in the future
  • Productive: A shift from volume production to high value products, unlocking the potential of businesses to thrive, investing in R&D, technology and innovation to achieve productivity improvements, and supporting small and medium enterprise growth
  • Inclusive: More even distribution of economic benefits (recognising that some in the community fare worse on wellbeing indicators), skills level and productivity improvements, achievement of higher incomes and the right skills available for the future workforce
  • Resilient: The region is able to respond to and bounce back from disruptions and shocks in a way that reduces harm and overall costs, sectors are diversified to reduce risk, there is local provision of many of the goods and services required, and supply chains are robust.
  • Creative: The creative talents of our region are recognised and rewarded, with opportunities to showcase and leverage our clever businesses, diversity, arts and artisans, and innovation.