blurry placeholderNZMTB Rally Cam Mackenzie 0517

Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund

NZ MTB Rally 2024

Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund

The Nelson Events Fund is allocated according to the Nelson City Council Events Strategy. The strategy aims to support a diverse range of events that provide both community well-being and economic benefits, strengthen our region and its identity, stimulate a prosperous, vibrant, and engaged community, and deliver value at the right time.

blurry placeholderPotters Square in Trafalgar Street. Nelson Clay Week.
Potters Square in Trafalgar Street. Nelson Clay Week.
blurry placeholderA sparkling launch into summer, The NZ Cider Festival is held at Founders Park every November.
A sparkling launch into summer, The NZ Cider Festival is held at Founders Park every November.

What is a major event

These are events that contribute to economic and community well-being benefits to Nelson, build social capital and cohesion, increase visitors during shoulder and off-peak seasons, and enhance the city and regional profile nationally and internationally.

The following are the principles against which events will be assessed for funding from the Nelson Events Fund.

Strategic alignment

Events should align with the regional identity framework and, where aiming to deliver economic value, be relevant to our identified target markets (see Appendix 1). They should also align with relevant Council policy.

Delivery against strategy objectives

Delivery of the strategy’s objectives needs to be clearly demonstrated in terms of economic and/or community well-being. A desirable return on investment will be assessed on a case-by-case basis for economic benefit. Note: The Council has a return on investment target for the Economic Events component of the Fund that is in line with a national approach and recognises the scale of the Nelson district. This is set at 20:1.


Events primarily delivering economic benefit should increase the number of visitors attracted to Nelson during the ‘off-season’ period from 1 March to 30 November. Community events can receive support during any period, but preference will be given to those that add vitality and interest to the city during the ‘off-season’. It is expected that community events timed during Nelson’s high season will have larger audiences available and more opportunities to be self-sufficient thus ratepayer support is less necessary.

Capacity to deliver outcomes

The strength of the event organiser’s application will be assessed, including evidence of relevant skills, capability to deliver, and other sources of public funding. The application should include a multi-year strategy that shows an understanding of the stages of event development and sets these against relevant Key Performance Indicators for each stage. The application should show a pathway to sustainability and an exit point at which Nelson Events Fund support will no longer be required.

Context for support

There is a limited pool of public funding to support events, and the Events Development Committee must be mindful of the impact of funding decisions on other potentially significant event applications and the need to retain sufficient flexibility to respond to emerging events. Thus, it may not always be possible to support event applications, even if they are a good fit with these principles.

blurry placeholderLive music at Marchfest at Founders Park in Nelson.
Live music at Marchfest at Founders Park in Nelson.
blurry placeholderInternational cricket returned to Saxton Oval.
International cricket returned to Saxton Oval.

How we can help

NRDA is the first point of contact for event organisers. We manage the administration of the Nelson City Council Economic Events Fund and can support them with marketing tools, promotion, and partnership opportunities.

This fund receives applications quarterly

For the 2024/25 financial year, the deadlines for applications are:

DeadlineEvents Development Committee Meeting
20 June 202417 July 2024
20 September 202416 October 2024
5 February 20255 March 2025
17 April 202521 May 2025

For the 2025/26 financial year, the deadlines for applications are:

DeadlineEvents Development Committee Meeting
16 July 202520 August 2025
15 October 202519 November 2025
14 January 202618 February 2026
15 April 2026   20 May 2026

Events funded FY 2023-24

Hockey NZ U18 W Vantage National Tournament, Dirty Work - An Indian Ink Production, South Island Show Offs – Cheerleading Championships, Mako Season Opener, COMMOTION, NZSS Hockey Girls & Boys Tournaments, HNZ SS Johnson Cup & Audrey Timlin Memorial, Illuminate, NZ Highland Dancer of the Year, Nelson Long Drive and ProAm, Ultimate Athlete, Top of the South Film Festival, BlackCaps V Bangladesh ODI, White Ferns V England T20's (x2), Adam Chamber Music Festival, MTBNZ XC Championships, Cable Bay Enduro, NZ Mountain Bike Rally, Nelson Yoga Festival, Mammoth Enduro, Marchfest, Nelson Festival of Golf and South Island Seniors, Nelson Tasman Motorcycle Festival, Changing Threads, The Bay Trail Run, Ceol Aneas.

Get in touch

For further details, support and advice on funding applications, contact Rebecca.

Image by Nelson Tasman Tourism

Rebecca Leach, Events Lead

Email Rebecca