Blue Economy Innovation Summit

Charlotte Lang
Posted by Charlotte Lang
Friday 15 March, 2024
Blue Economy Innovation Summit

NRDA and Moananui are co-hosting New Zealand’s first Blue Economy Innovation Summit on Thursday 11 April 2024 in Nelson, bringing together leading blue economy businesses and innovators, universities and research institutions, funders and navigators. 

NRDA and Moananui are co-hosting New Zealand’s first Blue Economy Innovation Summit on Thursday 11 April 2024 in Nelson, bringing together leading blue economy businesses and innovators, universities and research institutions, funders and navigators. 

The summit is designed to showcase the best of New Zealand’s blue economy and drive innovation and high-value opportunities. 
Fiona Wilson, NRDA’s CE says

“Nelson Tasman is uniquely placed to lead New Zealand in the blue economy. We know that unlocking access to university ecosystems, innovators, funders and navigators is critical to helping our businesses grow and thrive and as a region. By bringing everyone who shares this aspiration together, we can turbo-charge some of the amazing things happening here. Working with Moananui, this summit is an opportunity for local businesses to build their networks. Among those attending, we are delighted that most New Zealand Universities will be coming.”

Jodie Kuntzsch, Moananui CE says

“In order to drive R&D and high-value opportunities, we need to boost collaboration and catalyse projects. We have 
a strong reputation in the blue economy and are excited to share this with the wider innovation ecosystem. This is an amazing opportunity for blue economy businesses to share ideas, build networks and ultimately work together to tackle our challenges.”

“Nelson Tasman is the logical place to host this summit, with over 400 blue economy businesses already based here. We know other regions have blue economy expertise and invite them to join us in Nelson for this exciting day. By working with NRDA we know we can continue to embed the blue economy into the broader economic development framework for the region.”

The Summit is on 11 April 2024, starting at 9am at Nelson’s Trafalgar Stadium Northern Extension. Information and ticketing can be found at 
Blue Economy Innovation Summit.