blurry placeholderRabbit Island beach Ruby Bay

Our values

We are One Team
He tima kotahi mātou

There is one paddle to this canoe. 
He kotahi te hoe o te waka nei.

Individually we are accomplished, but we are strongest as a team. We assist, share with, and support each other. The joys of the job come through enjoying the team, celebrating the wins and taking the time to connect. 


We are Bold
He pākaha mātou

There are no obstructions to our boldness. 
He taupā kore te pākaha nei. 

We are leaders of change. We see challenges as opportunities for new learnings and a sense of accomplishment. They are an opportunity to be agile and to see what we are capable of. We remain accountable for our actions even if it is confronting to do so. 


We are Driven
He ānga mātou

We are at the front of the canoe. 
Ko mātou kei te ihu o te waka. 

We strive to excel - to do our best, to be our best. We have a growth mindset. We recognise that progress beats perfection every time. 


We have Respect 
He whakaute tā mātou 

We conduct ourselves in a respectful manner. 
Ka tuku mā te ngākau whakaute. 

We listen to learn and understand. We nurture trust. We value each other’s time. We respect and embrace diversity, seeing other’s unique contributions as an asset.