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Capability building

Poipoia te kākano, kia puāwai ai.
Nurture the seed so that it will blossom.

In order to develop the skills, mindsets and capability required in the region, our key activities include:

Business capability:

 Includes leadership and delivery of the Regional Business Partner Programme (RBPP) for Te Tauihu

  • Providing direct support, advice and connections for local businesses (early-stage entrepreneurs and SMEs) on funding and upskilling, supporting management capability and investment readiness.
  • Facilitating R&D and other funding through the RBPP.
  • Innovation and tech-focused initiatives delivered under RBPP and through targeted sector support (refer innovation support). 

Workforce and skills:

  • Delivering the Critical Skills Pipeline project: identifying, tracking and initiating critical skills development activities to inform future workforce planning and skills training and attraction, supporting major infrastructure developments.
  • Delivering the Education to Employment programme: supporting young people’s awareness of career opportunities through connecting industry and training agencies to schools.
  • Delivering (ad hoc) targeted industry-specific workforce campaigns as determined by emerging industry needs and targeted external funding.

Innovation support:

  • Supporting the regional innovation eco-system in partnership with Mahitahi Colab, a collaboration between NRDA, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce and NMIT, delivering targeted innovation and tech initiatives, co-working, business events space, early-stage business support.