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Collaborating to compete

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Mā pango, mā whero ka oti te mahi.
Leadership in working with others for a common purpose.

With an aim to be more nationally and globally competitive by getting more done together, our key activities include:

Connecting and supporting economic sectors:

Marketing and connecting initiatives to support and attract investment, resources and growth opportunities for key sectors. 

  • Visitor Economy – Through the Visitor Sector Promotion Programme: Profiling the region as a visitor destination; delivering targeted promotional campaigns focused on extending the season; supporting visitor sector business capability, resilience building and workforce development; advocating and supporting business cases for regional investment in facilities and product development; supporting attraction of events. Reference: Destination Management Plan.
  •  Blue Economy – Supporting further development of Moananui (blue economy cluster), as both a founding cluster partner and through targeted initiatives focused on sector growth, investment attraction, and profiling Nelson Tasman as New Zealand’s home of the Blue Economy. 
  • Food and Beverage – Through the Food and Beverage Partnership Programme: Catalysing collective promotions and regional profiling; leveraging infrastructure development; identifying and targeting priority industry challenges and opportunities; helping strengthen early-stage businesses; helping build innovation and capability through training.
  • Digital Technology – with growing focus during the three-year SoI and delivered in partnership with the Mahitahi Colab. 

Regional collaboration and responsiveness:

  • Positioning the region for investment and partnership, identifying and tracking investment priorities, challenges, and opportunities. 
  • Providing regional leadership and participation, including: Kōkiri ; government forums e.g. RIF Economic Pou; Critical Skills Pipeline project (lead); emerging issues groups. 
  • Embedding Te Tauihu Māori economy considerations in all workstreams. 
  • Leading the regional Economic Pou for CDEM, supporting business and industry at times of stress e.g. natural disasters. 
  • Supporting development of a regional Māori data repository and the RIF Economic Pou

Insights and data:

  • Delivering regional economic information, profiles and data for businesses and stakeholders; informing economic monitoring, benchmarking, planning, marketing, funding applications, talent attraction 
  • Delivering the annual Regional Business Insights Survey, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and private sector sponsorship. 
  • Served as valued advisors for our data and insights on national trends and the regional economy