Chia Sisters - Juice on top of the world

Sisters Chloe and Florence Van Dyke make a range of health beverages via a solar powered juicer in their Nelson Tasman hometown.

With demand growing locally and abroad, the award-winning duo are now exporting their nutritious and sustainable juices to international markets.

In order to compete on the world stage, the Chia Sisters needed next-level support. To cater to the growth of their business NRDA connected the Chia Sisters with Callaghan Innovation. In collaboration with Callaghan and Massey University the Chia Sisters were provided funding, and the networks and connections they needed to thrive and expand into export markets.

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Funding overview

The Chia Sisters received multiple Callaghan Innovation Research & Development (R&D) grants including: 

The R&D ‘Getting Started Grant’ to develop a novel pasteurisation process, solving a production problem and increasing their businesses capacity.

“Being from the regions can make it challenging to connect with the right people. The Nelson Regional Development Agency has been pivotal in giving us those connections.”

The R&D ‘Project Grant’ to build an early-stage prototype into a final commercial-ready product.

Chia Sisters also accessed wider innovation support services through the Callaghan Innovation Skills-Building Programmes including:

The ‘Better by Lean’ workshop and coaching programme, designed to assist businesses to implement ‘Lean’ thinking principles - improving product development, supply chains, production and distribution, staff skill levels and reducing overall costs.

The ‘Understanding Innovation’ workshop to achieve higher productivity through increased employee engagement, improving work practises and building an innovation culture.

The ‘Global Expert’ support service to connect with a food and beverage industry expert, boosting their R&D knowledge and capabilities.

“To compete on the world stage, we need to innovate and having the support has allowed us to do this”.

Get in touch with Mark Maguire, our Regional Business Advisor, if you would like to learn more about the support services available via the Regional Business Partner Programme.