Tasman Bay Food Co

Tasman Bay Food Co. manufacture and sell innovative food products to both domestic and international markets. The company manufacture a variety of products under the Tasman Bay brand alongside contract manufacturing a range of other unique, value-added products within the food industry.

Building capability

Through the Regional Business Partner Programme, Tasman Bay Food Co were able to upskill in areas such as governance, market validation and lean manufacturing via ‘Capability Voucher Funding’. This funding allowed Tasman Bay Food Co. to subsidise the cost of workshops, courses and coaching to further build and develop their management capability and skills.

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Funding overview

Tasman Bay Food Co received multiple Callaghan Innovation Research & Development (R&D) grants including:

  • The R&D ‘Getting Started Grant’ allowing them to access Plant & Food research and expertise to assist in the development of a new plant-protein-based product.
  • The R&D ‘Student Experience Grant’, which Tasman Bay Food Co have accessed for the past three years. This particular grant has allowed them to access food technology student interns which provide fresh new talent for the business and aids with the research and development of products.


“The impact of this support has been huge for us; it’s allowed us to access the talent we need and really drive our projects through. I recommend that other businesses across the Top of the South seek advice from Nelson Regional Development Agency around the support they can access to grow their business.” said Managing Director Marina Hirst Tristram.

Get in touch with Mark Maguire, our Regional Business Advisor, if you would like to learn more about the support services available via the Regional Business Partner Programme.