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Our economic strengths

Chia Sisters

Industries full of opportunities

From Nelson Tasman's largest industries to our growing sectors of high competitive advantage, there is a plethora of opportunities to do business here. 

Our traditional primary industry base provides 11% of our jobs, followed by goods-producing industries at 22%. Our biggest broad sectors are services at 41% and high-value services at 26%”.

Cutting across these broad categories, we have five sectors of high competitive advantage that makes us stand out and which have the greatest potential for growth: the Blue Economy, Research Science and Technology, the Visitor Economy, Forestry and Wood Processing, and Food Beverage and Wellness Products.

Sector success stories

Follow the journey of some of our Nelson Tasman businesses as they transform performance and generate success in key sectors.

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Nelson Tasman is a vibrant and remarkable region where art and business thrive amidst stunning natural landscapes.

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Live & work

There are many reasons to fall in love with Nelson Tasman and to choose to make this place your home.

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Do business

Accelerating economic growth and improving wealth and wellbeing for the people of Nelson Tasman.

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Nelson Tasman is an inspired choice for business events of every kind.

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About us

The NRDA is the Regional Development Agency and Regional Tourism Organisation for the Nelson Tasman region.

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Prize draw terms and conditions

By entering any of our competitions, each user and entrant will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

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Live weather updates from our sunny region.